תהילים על קלף תפילה

Tehillim Monday - Thursday, 12:00 pm EST, N.Y. time zone. Join by phone 727 7316762



Thursday Feburary 13- The 15TH of Shevat

Day for Tefilah

The Kotel HaMaravi

The Western Wall

Tehillim on Klaf  Tefilah Talmidei Chachamim- Torah Scholars will Recite the Entire tehillim on Klaf at The Kotel Hamaravi on Tu B’Shevat

To submit a name-Request- for this Tehillim-Tefilah,  click  Submit Prayer or call 718 306 4560.

Uniting Klal Yisroel

Los Angeles
9:00 AM

5:00 PM

6:00 PM

7:00 PM

South Africa
6:00 PM

Our Mission Statement

".ובודאי תפלה מתוך ספר שנכתב כדינו בקדושה רצויי׳ ומקובלת ביותר..."

...קריינא דאגרתא - הרה"ג ר׳ יעקב ישראל קניבסקי, ה'סטייפלר -

Tehillim on Klaf Tefilah will recite Tehillim from an authentic handwritten scroll written by a Sofer Mumcha, as was the practice in biblical times of Dovid Hamleach.

 All can join by phone in USA & Canada 727  731 6762, Israel 053  542 9754, UK London 3307772434, Panama 5078337458  Paris 75500890, South Africa 87 8250934, Australia 75 6606012, Antwerp 0480201014,       Zurich 0435507098, Amsterdam 097055001844, Vienna 012650586,  Brazil 11 953250517.  pin# for calls from out side USA   8035921#  

 Cholim around the world can take part in saying or hearing the words of  Tehillim, connecting  with  Tehillim Monday-Thursday at the same time.

Follow Our Livestreams

Daily Tehillim

  Monday – Thursday’s, at 12:00 PM EDT Join by phone 727 731 6762 

Previous Recordings

Tehillim on klaf video
words fron members Gedolie Yisroel
Biala Hallel
Beri Weber Hallel outside The Whitehouse
Chazan Pinye Steinwurzel
Mordechai Levovitz perek 27
Simcha Leiner
Nigunim of Hallel
The Woodbourne Shul
Shlomo Simcha perek 27
YOKA Rov- Elul perek 27
Rabbi Eli Mansour
Perek 1-10 Rabbi Chay Amar,
Chapters 11-20
Chapters 21-30 HaRav Yitzhak YIsraeli, Chief Rabbi
Chapters 31-40
Chapters 41-50 Rabbi Sultan
Chapters 51-60 Rav Frankel
Chapters 61-70
Chapters 71-80 HaRav Mansour
Chapters 81-90
Chapters 101-110
Chapters 111-120 Chazan Pinye Steinwurzel
Chapters 121-130 @ Kever Rochel
Chapters 131-140 HaRav Zell
Chapters 141-150 HaRav Chaim Rennert
Selichos Inspiration Rabbis Ephraim Schapiro,Eytan Feiner, Moshe T Lieff, Ginsburg
at Sinai Hospital Balitmore
Rosh Chodesh Elul Inspiration Rabbis Yitzchok Sorotzkin, Eliezer Ginsburg, D Glatstein
Words from Miami-Hollywood -Boca Raton Shul Rabbi
Words from the Miami-Surfside Rabbi